Missionary Sister Servants of the Word

Evangelize the Laity to evangelize with the laity.

Who We Are

We are the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Word

God has inspired Father Luis Butera, the desire that all men know the Word of God that transforms life: “One day I took the Bible in my hand and began to preach.” Immediately, young people and adults began to experience the efficacy of the Word of God, coming to evangelize in turn (Cf.2 Tim2, 2), because “he who has known God cannot be silent.”

To become a HMSP, the young lady needs to have a strong experience of the Word of God, and start a stage of formation to be a lay missionary for 2 years. Subsequently, she enters the Postulancy stage for one year, then she live two years in the novitiate before making her first religious profession, which is renewed for 6 years, until the final decision of perpetual profession is made.

Where do we Mission



* Kenya






* Philippines
* Sri Lanka


North America

* United States
* Mexico


Central America / Caribbean

* Guatemala
* Honduras
* Costa Rica
* Cuba
* The Dominican Republic


South America

* Colombia
* Venezuela
* Peru
* Brazil
* Chile
* Argentina
* Bolivia
* Uruguay

Testimonies of Young Adult Missionaries​

Jane’s Been A Migrant Worker Since She Was Just 12

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A Brighter Future — For Cambodia’s Children​

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Called to be with the one whom loved us first!


Support Us to keep taking the Good News to places all around the world!

With your donation you will be able to support religious vocations in their formation aswell as support missions with basic essentials to keep the missions going forward. Whatever is in your possibility, we greatly appreciate it.